Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Secret number Council 3 in digital photography

Okay now I know are wondering what the third secret to digital photography....

I think that I'll wait until next week to tell them.... just kidding! I can tell you now.

It's technical capacity. Is everything?You dice.Bien my friend, what means that the camera feels as it can take life, things by what here are some simple ways to help you learn how to improve your digital photography learning skills. Once you have the artistic side of digital photography covered, you can then either adjust to the artist in you and work that camera.

Before explaining the camera digital in details, firstly, I want to say this about digital photography; needs to learn the technical aspects of digital camera, so can become the master and driver, not in reverse.When starting for the first time in digital photography feels as if you are at the whim of the digital camera and controls its digital photography. Once you start to learn what makes the camera, you will find that become the teacher and the driver.

Lets look at the common digital photography terms and simplifying them in plain.(God knows that it will be forever looking for manual camera thinking "what the heck that means?") (So I read this instead...)

Hey all I knew when I started digital photography 6 years ago was what a lens cap was, if you don't know the basic things please, don't feel bad. That is why I'm here to help you.
First to be good in digital photography first you must understand how the camera. Digital camera is a brilliant device and is very similar to the humano.Hay eye "eye lid" and "student".Blinking eye open and closed - lid he is how works the student - obturador.El speed to what extent the lens opens to allow that light is opening. Flash works like a torch light. It is a direct light source to provide more light, where the camera needs. You can use it anytime day or night.

So with this basic analogy we define some meanings.Not get too stressed of trying to remember these things, just remember the basics of how to get started with your camera, and then these things become more reachable to you.

Exhibition: This means, basically, the total amount of light falling into digital camera sensor.The way in which this is "measure" is calling the level of a "value".O in the shortest terms for digital photography call a "E/V". The more E/V recorded on digital camera more light is receiving.Think of it as a superior E/V means a higher concentration of light that goes into the camera.

On my brick Sony sorry... I mean my old Sony Cyber shot, if I take a sunset shot and having more light in the image below, you can increase the E/V than you.If it is a sunny day, a bright summer day and I want to stop the image be overexposed and reduce the amount of light that next digital camera, reduce the E/V to - 0.3 for example.

These numbers relate simply to my camera, so don't worry too much about from them, but only to understand the principle. The lower the number of the less light E/V.Indeed will be the smaller student at least light comes on and vice versa.

Opening: The diaphragm means the actual size of the opening of the very similar to exposure lente.Es, but refers to the size more than anything. Think of it as opening itself and controls how much light enters the camera sensor.

Shutter speed: this is the eyelid, if the desea.Es speed which cover eye blinks open and closed."Blink" fasting means that you can freeze time and capture shots of fast action as a person running without blur or racing without blur.Therefore really is the measurement of how long the shutter is open when you take digital photography.

You see sometimes 1/125 or 125 for example.This means that the shutter is open for a segundo.Cuanto 125 is the amount of time, the longer the shutter remains open.So in digital photography terms of pictures if you want to be a blur, then leave the shutter open for a second to 10 seconds and see the difference in effect.Fast shutter is open, most will capture, such as cars or people fast action suspended in time without blur.

Lag: only know this as "pain in the butt" is the time interval between pressing the shutter release button and when the camera really takes the picture.The problem with digital photography has been until recently few years when dlsr cameras have been reduced almost this by completo.Las higher priced cameras have very little lag.

Fill Flash: this is a day where there is more exposed and underexposed areas in a digital photo on the same foto.Imagine a bright sunny day and take you a picture of someone on the beach with the sun behind photo.The digital camera really "see" the bright sky and maintain focus and reduce the light in the face of the people.To combat this flash can be used to compensate for the camera "forget" about the face of the personas.Su thing better since sliced pan.Se is how to get shots of people blowing the candles on her birthday and are able to see your face clearly.

Rule of thirds: when I began digital photography plan; "Gee mustn ' t take that image unless they comply with this principle."Well that didn't last mucho.Ahora even don't think of él.Pero this principle in the picture should be called a guideline, not a regla.Sin however when barely they are beginning digital photography its great to learn-it really helps.

This website describes best I can.(www.digitalpostproduction.com/htm/Features/DigitalVideoGlossary.htm)

"This rule takes our rectangular shape and divides it in tercios.Los key elements or objects in a composition should fall into one of these lines of thirds partes.El one point in our photo where comes the eye of the beholder to rest should enter into one of these lines where both horizontal and a vertical line coming to rest."

Okay so this is all by ahora.Centrarse only in those things in digital photography and the rest will come with time and much better práctica.La way to be good in digital photography is to let that your heart to assume, just relax and clear your mind and allow that the artist inside of you on the surface, and then things will fall instead.

There is more to the "success of digital photography" course so if you want to take a look and learn more about how becoming expert in this highly addictive hobby, then go to http://www.digitalphotographysuccess.com.

My best for you,
Amy Renfrey

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